I just finished Chapter 3 in my next book, although it’s a sequel it has a completely different feel than New Parish. Maybe it’s because of the new main character and her history… she is Sarah’s (main character from New Parish) little sister, she has a fiery temper, long curly auburn hair…. wait, I can’t tell you too much yet but her story is much different than her sister’s….
I love being excited! I heard yesterday that publishers are looking at my manuscript! That’s very exciting! One of my favorite artists Norman Rockwell once said, “The secret to so many artists living so long is that every painting is a new adventure. So, you see, they’re always looking ahead to something new and exciting.” I agree!
Can’t wait to share “New Parish” with the world!
New Parish
I’ve finished my newest book! The name of my latest adventure is “New Parish”!
Now I’m waiting on a smart, energetic, and resourceful agent to take on the challenge and walk through the rest of this adventure with me. So while I’m waiting, I’m of course, writing…
The “New Parish” story goes like this: Sarah, (main character) has had one too many bad dates, she has dreams of being a mom but she’s had all she can take with dating losers and jerks.
Sarah meets a new friend, Mary, at a children’s center where she volunteers, this new friend comes from a community where they use a very unique dating and marriage system. Sarah’s intrigued with Mary’s lifestyle and begins an extensive investigation trying to decide if this is a viable option for her.
Sarah gets the low down on how they live when she visits New Parish and asks some of the women there to tell her about the process “warts and all”.
Sarah meets two men in New Parish, one is very handsome, well mannered, well dressed and almost perfect. The other is a rough edged cowboy who completely blows her away at first sight, she never seems to be able to stay up right when he’s around. Sarah had never been a clumsy person until she met him, this annoys her to the enth degree!
This is not a mushy romance… it’s a romantic comedy adventure and I can’t wait till everyone gets to read it!
New Book
I love writing! I’ve been writing a new book that is more of a “grown up” book with some mushy stuff in it. I don’t usually write mushy stuff but I’m enjoying this one, okay when there is mushy stuff I usually put loads of humor in it to defuse the mushy… It’s the way I roll. So if there’s a romantic moment happening in a secluded cabin in the woods with candle light and a roaring fire in the fireplace and a wondering skunk comes strolling by and sprays the side of the house, do you think that would defuse the mushy? What about a young woman who meets the most beautiful man she’s ever seen and a cow knocks her over causing a chain of events that end up with her having a deluge of hot chocolate and red punch drench her completely? Yeah, I’m having a super fun time writing this book! More later!
Merry Christmas!!!
Farquhar’s Family Secret – Fairy Notes Book 1 Part 1 e-book is free all day on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!
Find it here –
Writing Again
It’s like finding an old friend that I haven’t seen in a long time. I didn’t realize just how much I missed writing until a while ago. I’ve been working so hard on finishing my masters program, (still not finished) that I had not taken time to do the one thing I really love doing. I must remember to not get so caught up in “things” and forget this very important part of my world. Edits are coming along for Farquhar’s Family Secret: Fairy Notes Book 1 Part 2 and hopefully in another month it will be available. I have started book 2 for Fairy Notes and I’m also working on another book that is entirely different. I do love to write…
I will never give up!
There’s a word for a writer who never gives up… published. And there’s a word for a published writer who never gives up… successful. That writer can be you. See you on the road. ~ Joe Knorath
I have been submitting to agents and working hard on my books I will not give up 🙂
The Scurrying Thing
About 15 years ago I lived in a small town in Idaho, in a nice home which happened to have a real fireplace. My boys were all still home and the youngest was only 2… we were all asleep one night when I heard something scurrying around then it sounded like the scurrying thing flew! I was very uncomfortable with having a scurrying thing in my home especially a flying scurrying thing!! I quickly got up and turned on the lights so I could discover what this thing was but couldn’t see anything at all. I looked all throughout the house and couldn’t find it so I went back to bed thinking maybe I had one of those dreams that seem way too real. Well when the lights had been off for a few minutes and I was starting to settle down a bit I heard it again! Then I felt a puff of wind as it flew by!! So I got up and headed to the light switch all the while keeping low and close to the floor so whatever it was wouldn’t fly into me! Lights on again and again I couldn’t see anything!!!! I knew for sure it was real now and so I was determined to find it whatever it was. My oldest son came out shouting that something was in his room and I wondered how it got in there when it was in my room??? Okay so you have probably guessed it was bats. Yes there were several bats that had entered my home through the chimney and were flying around inside. So armed with a broom we called the police, they laughed but they came… actually several came. They had great sport rounding up the bats and taking them out of the house J after they left I did a thorough search of the house just to make sure and needless to say I didn’t sleep well for a few nights after that.
Yes I did board up the fireplace! I kind of thought they were babies that had probably been born and raised in my chimney… well that was my theory.
Childhood Memories… We all have them
Summers get hot in the south! When I was young my two brothers and I used to spend a lot of time outside, we lived on a farm that was surrounded by large pastures. There was a stream or creek that ran through the pastures and under the road which traveled over the stream via a very large metal tube or culvert. It was in this culvert that my brothers and I spent many happy days playing in the water. We had been told not to go into the culvert but it was cooler in there and the water pooled up a little deeper inside it. So we played there…
One of my brothers was older and one younger, the older one is only technically older or that’s what I say because ten months isn’t really that much older. My younger brother was really younger because he was two years younger so that counts.
One day when we were playing in our favorite water hole we were seeing who could keep their head under water longest and it was my turn when my little brother started hitting me. I grumpily came up out of the water to hear him shouting “Snakes!!”
Very very large black water moccasins were coming for us. My older brother ran to the side of the culvert and up out to the water. I grabbed my younger brother by the hand and ran as fast as I could dragging him along with me out of the culvert and up the bank of the stream. The snakes were chasing us but once we were on land we were able to out run them and get away. Our older brother caught up with us about half way home and accused us of leaving him behind but I explained we had to run and were going for help. I don’t know if he believed me or not but it was the truth if we had stayed there I was sure the snakes would have bitten us.
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